Girls Get Equal Live Summit
A large part of our lives now takes place on the Internet. The internet seems to offer unlimited chances and opportunities: to empower ourselves, to get in contact with each other, to engage and speak out. But: Especially girls and women worldwide do not have equal access to the internet. Instead, they have to fear harassment and hate speech when being online. Let's change this together!
On 6th and 7th October our Girls Get Equal Live Summit has provided a space especially for young people to discuss the themes of Plan’s latest State of the World’s Girls‘ Report on online harassment, „Free to be Online?“. Young activists have discussed how Girls Get Equal Freedom Online and adressed their demands to powerholders.
Have a look at our Video clip right now!
Free to be online?
Online harassment silences GirlsCyber Safety
With billions of people adapting to virtual/online platforms amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing how useful online working can be. However, it is really important to recognise that the digital world is a vast and unregulated space. Online safety, security and protection risks are multi-faceted. Plan International is doing everything we can to ensure that you are safe and protected.
Everyone participating in this workshop should make all reasonable efforts to manage those risks too.
Plan International’s Youth Protection Online Safety Guide offers these 12 rules for being safe online:
1. Never tell anyone you meet online any personal details, such as your home address, your telephone number, your school’s name or mobile/telephone number.
2. Never send anyone your picture, credit card or bank details, or anything else.
3. Never give your password to anyone, not even a best friend.
4. Never arrange to meet anyone in person without first clearing it with your parent/carer/Plan staff. Ensure a parent, Plan staff or trusted friend accompanies you to the first meeting, which should always be in a public place.
5. Never hang around in a chat room or in a teleconference if someone says or writes something which makes you feel uncomfortable or worried, and always report it to a Plan staff.
6. Never respond to nasty, suggestive or rude messages or postings. It’s always okay to immediately end a conversation online without explanation if it is making you feel uncomfortable. Always remember to speak to your parent/caregiver/Plan staff member.
7. If your receive spam or junk email and texts, never believe them, reply to them or use them. And remember if someone makes you an offer which seems too good to be true, it probably is.
8. It is not a good idea to open files from people you don’t know. It could be a virus or an inappropriate image or film.
9. Always be yourself and do not pretend to be anyone or anything you are not.
10. Do be responsible for your behaviour online. Do not use social networking or the internet to send anyone material that could be considered threatening, offensive, upsetting, bullying or illegal.
11. Remember, what gets posted online becomes public and cannot always be removed! So, take care that what you post online does not reveal anything about you that you’re not comfortable sharing.
12. If you are using a Plan International computer please understand that your use of the internet and other online media can be monitored, logged and made available to staff members of the organisation/project
Here are some links to other helpful cyber safety tips:
- Safe Sisters is an online organisation that provides info on digital security and how to protect yourself online:
- Luchadoras is a feminist internet platform, which provides info on online safety: / (in Spanish, Google Chrome autotranslate into French and English)
- Ciberseguras (Cybersecurity) provides tips and spaces for organising safely online: (in Spanish, Google Chrome auto-translate into French and English)
- Amnesty International’s How to stay safe online during the COVID-19 crisis:
Share your own tips with each other! Many of you are already working on digital security and online safeguarding. We know you’ll have a lot to share
Getting Girls Equal to Fight Inequality
Girls everywhere are undervalued, undermined and underestimated. But we’re calling time on inequality.
We are done with being silenced and ignored.
With every action we take we are creating a new world, with new rules.
Where we have power in all decisions affecting our lives. Where we are safe to speak up without fear and harassment. Where the world stops promoting stereotypes.
This is a movement for us all. Are you with us?
Find out more about our global GIRLS GET EQUAL campaign (English)
Find out more about our global GIRLS GET EQUAL campaign (German)
Unser Team Jugend- und Freiwilligenkooperationen beantwortet gerne alle Fragen zum Thema Jugendengagement.